Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sen. Obama giving half-hour prime-time address tonight to market himself to the American public. My unsolicited advice is . . .

First data-image: unemployment rate, 1993-2008. Second data-image: job creation, 1993-2008.

Talk about jobs.

Talk about jobs. Talk about the Clinton years. Talk about jobs. Talk about economic growth. Talk about jobs. Talk about the recent record of Republican job creation and Democratic job creation. Talk about jobs. It comes down to this Sen. Obama: Talk about jobs. This country needs jobs. Talk about the Democratic record of creating jobs. Facts. Mention them.

This year alone, America has lost 760,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate is 6.1 percent and heading upward.

The last time a Democrat was president, the unemployment rate was above 7 percent when he got in, and just above 4 percent when he got out, a drop of about 3 percent. We currently have had a Republican president since 2001. The unemployment rate was just above 4 percent when he got in, and is now above 6 percent, an increase of just about 2 percent.

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Talk about jobs.

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